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Russian forces shell Donetsk region: Four children wounded

Russian forces shell Donetsk region: Four children wounded Photo: Russians shelled Novohrodivka, Donetsk region (

Today, on July 4, in the evening, Russian forces attacked the town of Novohrodivka in the Donetsk region several times. Four children were injured, according to the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Vadym Filashkin on Telegram.

According to him, an FPV drone hit a two-story building in Novohrodivka. Then Russia shelled the city with Hurricanes.

Russian forces shell Donetsk region: Four children wounded

Photo: aftermath of the strike on Novohrodivka (

Russian forces shell Donetsk region: Four children wounded

Photo: aftermath of the strike on Novohrodivka (

Russian forces shell Donetsk region: Four children wounded

Photo: aftermath of the strike on Novohrodivka (

Only nine people were injured, including four children. They were taken to the hospital.

Filashkin emphasized that even in relatively remote cities in the Donetsk region, there is still a threat of shelling. Therefore, he urged local residents to evacuate.

Russia is killing peaceful Ukrainians

Russian forces target civilian infrastructure during their shelling of Ukraine. As a result, attacks often result in injuries and fatalities.

According to the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission, in May, the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine due to the war reached its highest level in a year, with 436 people killed.