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Russian Federation set up new hospitals in occupied Donbas

Russian Federation set up new hospitals in occupied Donbas Photo: Russians have built new hospitals in occupied Donbas (Getty Images)

In the temporarily occupied territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, Russian occupiers have set up new hospitals. At the same time, local residents, after the reprofiling of hospitals, are left without assistance, according to the National Resistance Center.

According to the Center, currently, most civilian hospitals in the region have been transformed by the enemy into hospitals, leaving local residents without the opportunity for primary medical examinations, especially affecting the elderly.

"The occupiers continue to exert systematic pressure on the civilian population in almost all settlements of the occupied territories in the east, where medical facilities are located. This especially applies to the Avdiivka direction," adds the National Resistance Center.

As reported earlier, due to a lack of space in medical facilities in the temporarily occupied territories, Russian forces are converting residential buildings into hospitals. This allows them to maintain their human shield tactics, where they use the local population as cover. Additionally, the expansion of the hospital network is indicated by the increasing conversion of hospitals in Crimea to serve military needs.