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Russian electronic warfare in Kaliningrad disrupts GPS signal across Europe

Russian electronic warfare in Kaliningrad disrupts GPS signal across Europe Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

GPS signal disruptions are being observed over European countries, likely caused by the Russian Federation utilizing electronic warfare systems in the Kaliningrad region, according to a statement from a member of the Mastodon research network.

According to the researcher, since December 15th, aircraft over the southern part of the Baltic Sea have been experiencing navigation errors, intermittently turning on and off.

"I think I found the location of the Baltic jammer. In Kaliningrad, Russia," the statement reads.

The member of the research network explained that by creating a schedule predicting the maximum obstruction range for each poor position, they identified one area that stands out—Kaliningrad.

Situation in Kaliningrad

Last June, we reported Lithuania's intent to jam the Russian propaganda radio station Sputnik, broadcasting from Kaliningrad.

In November, Russia relocated its S-400 strategic systems from Kaliningrad to the Ukrainian front after significant losses.

We also mentioned Germany closing its consulate general in Kaliningrad.

Additionally, in Poland, there are plans to establish a military base in the city of Olecko, situated near the border with the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation.