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Russian drone flies close to Khmelnytskyi NPP second time in recent days

Russian drone flies close to Khmelnytskyi NPP second time in recent days Khmelnytskyi NPP (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

On September 20, a Shahed drone flew close to the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), marking the second such incident in recent days, according to Serhii Tiurin, head of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Military Administration.

"Today, during a nighttime attack, a Russian Shahed UAV was detected flying near the Khmelnytskyi NPP," Tiurin said.

According to the regional official, Russia continues its nuclear blackmail by targeting Ukrainian nuclear power plants with missiles and drones.

"Today's incident with the Shahed near the Khmelnytskyi NPP is yet another confirmation of this," Tiurin added.

Russian attacks on Ukraine

On the morning of September 20, Russian forces launched another wave of drone and missile attacks against Ukraine, firing four missiles and 70 drones.

Air raid alerts were declared across almost all of Ukraine at around 3:00 AM due to the threat posed by the drones and missiles. Explosions were reported in six regions, with Ukraine's air defense successfully downing 61 Russian UAVs and one Kh-59 missile.

Fires broke out in the Lviv and Cherkasy regions following the Shahed drone attacks.

To recall, a similar incident occurred on the night of September 12, when a Russian drone flew near the Khmelnytskyi NPP during another attack.