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Russian army shells Kharkiv more than fifty times in September - Mayor Terekhov

Russian army shells Kharkiv more than fifty times in September - Mayor Terekhov Illustrative photo: Russian forces shelled Kharkiv more than fifty times in September (Getty Images)

During September, Russian forces shelled Kharkiv 53 times. Almost 200 civilians were affected, according to Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov.

"We have compiled such sad statistics for the past month: Kharkiv was shelled 53 times. This is the highest number of shellings since the beginning of 2023. A total of 188 people were affected, including 19 children," the mayor reported.

He added that the attacks are impacting the work of utility services, which have to revise their plans for preparing for the heating season. They are being "pulled away" to address the aftermath.

"In addition, communications have been damaged, and homes have been destroyed. This affects the preparations for the heating season. But the utility workers are working almost around the clock; we are preparing very seriously," Terekhov clarified.

What preceded this

Kharkiv is a constant target of Russian attacks due to its proximity to the border with Russia and the front line.

In particular, the Russian forces strike Kharkiv with guided aerial bombs, which cause significant destruction.

On September 24, the Russian army hit two high-rise buildings in the Kyivskyi and Saltivskyi districts of Kharkiv with aerial bombs. As a result, three people were killed, and dozens of civilians were injured.