ua en ru

Russian army attacks rescuers in Kherson region

Russian army attacks rescuers in Kherson region Photo: Russians attacked rescuers in the Kherson region (

Russian forces dropped explosives from a drone on a local fire brigade team in the village of Stanislav in the Kherson region on Wednesday, August 14, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while dealing with the aftermath of previous Russian strikes in Stanislav, the Russian army attacked local fire brigade personnel with a drone.

As a result of the attack, four people sustained blast injuries and were examined by medics. The injured declined hospitalization. Additionally, a fire truck was damaged.

Russian army attacks rescuers in Kherson region

Photo: The Russian army attacked rescuers in the Kherson region (

Russian army attacks rescuers in Kherson region

Photo: The Russian army attacked rescuers in the Kherson region (

Russian army attacks rescuers in Kherson region

Photo: The Russian army attacked rescuers in the Kherson region (

Shelling of Kherson and the region

Today, August 14, Russia has been terrorizing the residents of Kherson and the region with shelling since early morning. There are casualties as a result of the attacks.

On August 10, Russian troops shelled Kherson throughout the day and attacked it with drones. As a result of the shelling, 10 people were injured.

Additionally, on August 12, Russia shelled 20 settlements in the Kherson region. As a result of the strikes, one person was killed and 17 were injured, including two children.