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Russian agent who planned assassination attempt on serviceman detained in Kyiv

Russian agent who planned assassination attempt on serviceman detained in Kyiv Ukrainian soldier (photo: Getty Images)

In Kyiv, the Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police detained an agent of the Russian special services who was preparing an assassination attempt on a member of the Defense Forces. The attacker was a 20-year-old resident of the capital.

According to the investigation, before the main task, the agent passed two "test trials" by setting fire to the cars of Ukrainian defenders. After that, he received a new assignment - to set up video surveillance of a Ukrainian officer, against whom Russian special services were planning an assassination attempt.

However, thanks to the timely work of the SSU and the National Police, the enemy's plans were exposed, and the agent was detained in his own home. At the time of his detention, he was preparing to conduct additional reconnaissance near the subject but had not yet managed to install a camera.

During the searches, the SSU seized the flammable mixture he used for the arson attacks, as well as a cell phone with evidence of his criminal activity.

The SSU investigators have already served him a notice of suspicion under Part 1 of Article 114-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides for liability for obstructing the lawful activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations during a special period.

The offender is in custody and faces up to 8 years in prison.

Arson attacks on military vehicles

Earlier in Kyiv, the SSU detained a 16-year-old FSB asset who was setting fire to Defense Forces vehicles. He now faces 12 years in prison.

In addition, the SSU detained an FSB accomplice who operated in Kyiv, Dnipro, and Odesa. On the instructions of the Russian secret service, he set fire to official vehicles of the Defense Forces, including military SUVs, pickups, and multivans.