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Russia wants to ban navigation in part of sea near Crimea - Media

Russia wants to ban navigation in part of sea near Crimea - Media Illustrative photo: Russia wants to ban navigation in part of the sea near Crimea (Getty Images)

Russia plans to close part of the sea near the temporarily occupied territory to shipping. A draft decree has already been developed to establish restricted zones for navigation in the energy bridge area in Crimea, according to the Telegram channel Krymskyi Veter.

The ban is likely to extend to the navigation of all types of vessels: small, sailboats, sports, jet skis, passenger, recreational, cargo, auxiliary fleet vessels, bunkering ships, and tugs.

However, an exception will be made for boats, ships, and vessels of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Navy, and the FSB Border Service.

On the Crimean side, the prohibited area will start just below Cape Borzovka in the Glazovskaya rural council and will extend approximately one kilometer south along the coastline and eastward over the water to the maritime border with Russia's Krasnodar Krai.

On the Krasnodar Krai side, the prohibited area is only on the water. It will be located on a water section between 1.6 and 6 kilometers from the shore opposite the northern border of the village of Illich, extending 1.6 kilometers southward.

Russia wants to ban navigation in part of sea near Crimea - Media

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that the Defense Forces struck a Russian submarine and an S-400 anti-aircraft missile system in temporarily occupied Crimea.