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Russia uses small group tactics for attacks in Pokrovsk direction, with only 10% survival rate - Bild

Russia uses small group tactics for attacks in Pokrovsk direction, with only 10% survival rate - Bild
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russian troops use small group tactics in their attacks on the Pokrovsk direction, gathering in units of 50 to 100 individuals for assaults, according to Bild.

This tactic aims to establish a foothold on the outskirts of Selydove for further attacks.

Bild's sources report that despite numerous attempts, the enemy cannot reach its final accumulation area and gather the necessary forces for an offensive. As a result, in recent days, Russian forces have been trying to attack from the flanks, trying to encircle Selydove from two sides.

Ukrainian soldiers detect between 100 and 200 Russian troops daily in the area, subsequently targeting them with fire. Consequently, only 5 to 10% reach the last fortified position before Selydove, with the rest either killed or severely wounded.

"Anyone who has entered our land, who has come into our areas of responsibility, does not leave alive. They cannot take us with small groups either. They tried to use vehicles, and we even captured one of their T-72B3 tanks, which made them very angry. Now they are trying to flank us. To be honest, they are having some success, but not enough for us to become very nervous," a source told Bild.

Situation in Pokrovsk

The Pokrovsk direction remains one of the hottest spots on the front, where significant combat activity occurs daily. Due to constant Russian shelling, the town frequently faces power and water supply disruptions, complicating daily life for local residents and the operation of critical services. Despite the challenging conditions, approximately 16,000 people still reside in Pokrovsk, although evacuation efforts are ongoing.

Recently, following Russian strikes on an infrastructure facility, the northern part of the Donetsk region was left without electricity. Additionally, during hostilities, Russian troops disrupted the water supply to Pokrovsk.