ua en ru

Russia uses Belarusian military-industrial complex to 'modernize' Iranian drones

Russia uses Belarusian military-industrial complex to 'modernize' Iranian drones Photo: Shahed-136 drones (

The aggressor country, the Russian Federation, is utilizing the capabilities of the Belarusian military-industrial complex (MIC) for its war against Ukraine, according to the National Resistance Center of Ukraine (NRCU).

Specifically, the regime of the self-proclaimed president Alexander Lukashenko is helping the Russians "modernize" Iranian drones. According to local sources, the Russians have set up a process at one of the plants in Gomel, Belarus, where Iranian drones are painted black for better camouflage during night launches.

These are the Shahed-136 drones imported from Iran. The painting is done in Belarus to avoid overloading the production facility in Yelabuga, where the Russians assemble these drones using Iranian technology.

"In this way, the Lukashenko regime supports the Kremlin's aggressive war and tries to drag its country into the conflict. We urge the local population to continue providing information about the cooperation between the two regimes," the NRCU statement said.

It is noted that Belarus regularly facilitates Russian air attacks on Ukraine. Russia has repeatedly used Belarusian airspace to launch Shahed drones against Ukraine.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that, according to the NRCU, Belarus is increasing trade with enterprises controlled by Russian occupiers in the occupied territories of Ukraine.