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Russia trying to discredit Ukrainian fortification construction: Purpose explained

Russia trying to discredit Ukrainian fortification construction: Purpose explained Photo: Russia is trying to discredit Ukrainian fortification construction (

Russian media, as part of the "fear propaganda" campaign, are trying to discredit the process of fortification construction in Ukraine and sow panic in the frontline regions, informs the Center for Countering Disinformation.

It is noted that the main message conveyed by the enemy's resources in their publications about the construction of Ukrainian fortifications is that Ukraine is supposedly incapable not only of returning to the borders of 1991 but also of defending the territories under its control.

At the same time, enemy propagandists spread fake news about a total lack of infantry and weapons in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and frighten with a new offensive, to which Ukrainians allegedly will have nothing to oppose.

"This is the narrative part of the 'fear propaganda' campaign aimed at creating conditions for advantageous negotiations with the Russian Federation, which they insist on," emphasized Lieutenant Andrii Kovalenko, the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation.

The Center also notes that despite the statements of the occupiers and their propagandists, Ukraine has managed to stabilize the situation on the front, and fortifications in the frontline regions are being built rapidly.

Strengthening defensive structures in Ukraine

In March, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy commented on the government head's report regarding the pace of construction of new defense lines - this concerns the fortifications in three sectors totaling 2000 kilometers in length.

As reported by the command of the Support Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on March 21, engineering troops are building fortifications 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In addition, representatives of the authorities in Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, Odesa, Kharkiv, and Zhytomyr regions also reported about the ongoing construction of fortifications.