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Russia to take Baltics in 7 days, NATO's reaction takes longer - Representative of DIU

Russia to take Baltics in 7 days, NATO's reaction takes longer - Representative of DIU Representative of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Vadym Skibitskyi (photo: Getty Images)

The Russian Federation could capture the Baltic countries within seven days, while NATO's response would be longer, states representative of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Vadym Skibitskyi.

According to him, the biggest unknown factor in the war was Europe. If Ukraine's neighbours do not find a way to further increase defence production to help Kyiv, they too will ultimately find themselves in Russia's crosshairs.

"The Russians will take the Baltics in seven days. NATO's reaction time is ten days," Skibitskyi noted.

He also pointed out that Ukraine's courage and sacrifice have given Europe a multi-year advantage by eliminating the direct threat from Russia's airborne and marine corps, which used to scare them. The question is whether Europe will pay back for the service by leaving Ukraine in the game.

"We will keep fighting. We have no choice. We want to live. But the outcome of the war [...] isn’t just down to us," he added.

Russia's threats to the Baltic countries

Earlier, Russia and Belarus discussed a possible attack on the Suwałki Corridor – the territory of Poland and Lithuania between Belarus and Russia's Kaliningrad region. In response, Lithuania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Belarus's temporary chargé d'affaires and handed him a note of protest.

Against this backdrop, NATO stated that the North Atlantic Alliance continues to improve the defence of the Baltic countries. However, there are currently no indicators pointing to an imminent war. It is noted that over the past few years, the Alliance has taken many steps to improve the defence of its eastern flank.