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Russia struggles to establish control in occupied Ukrainian villages - National Resistance Center of Ukraine

Russia struggles to establish control in occupied Ukrainian villages - National Resistance Center of Ukraine Photo: pro-Russian mayor of Mariupol Konstantin Ivashchenko (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

The full-scale war in Ukraine has now been ongoing for over 2.5 years. Yet, during this time, the Russians have still been unable to establish a so-called government in the occupied Ukrainian villages, according to the National Resistance Center of Ukraine.

"After 2.5 years of occupation, the enemy has still not been able to form occupation cells in villages in the temporarily occupied territories," the National Resistance Center states.

To address the shortage of collaborators, the Russians have launched a competition for village leaders, promising monetary incentives for participation. The goal of the contest is to find traitors willing to work in the occupation administrations.

However, the number of applications for the contest is currently unsatisfactory, as the local population largely refuses to cooperate with the Russian troops.

"That is why the Russians are even hiding the participants of the competition, because participation in it is a confirmation of collaborationism," the report concluded.

Earlier this month, the National Resistance Center reported that Russia is facing a significant personnel shortage in the occupied territories of Ukraine. Specifically, requirements have been lowered, but people continue to refuse cooperation with the Russian troops.