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Russia strikes Myrnohrad with guided aerial bombs, killing child and injuring 13

Russia strikes Myrnohrad with guided aerial bombs, killing child and injuring 13 Photo: Russians shelled Myrnohrad with guided aerial bombs, killing a child and injuring more than a dozen others (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Yesterday, on July 11, Russians attacked Myrnohrad, Donetsk region, with five UMPB D-30SN guided aerial bombs. The shelling killed a child, according to the National Police of Ukraine.

Russia killed a 15-year-old boy in the shelling. A 13-year-old girl and a boy were also injured.

In total, 13 people were injured.

Russia damaged:

  • 43 private houses
  • 2 apartment buildings
  • 2 educational institutions
  • a shop
  • outbuildings;
  • cars.
Photo: Russians shelled Myrnohrad with guided aerial bombs, a child was killed, and more than a dozen were injured (

"Police officers are going around the affected houses, recording the destruction, identifying people who need help," the National Police writes.

Russian massive shelling of Ukraine

In recent months, Russians have intensified massive attacks on the territory of Ukraine. Yesterday, in the evening, Russia struck Ukraine with 5 Kh-101 air-launched cruise missiles and launched another 19 Shahed-131/136 attack drones during the night.

The main target of the Russian attack was Starokostiantyniv.

In the course of repelling the Russian attack, 11 UAVs were destroyed in Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi, Kherson, and Sumy regions.