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Russia strikes Izium with MLRS: Many injured reported

Russia strikes Izium with MLRS: Many injured reported Photo: Russians hit Izium with Tornado, injuring 12 people (illustration/ s dnipropetrovskaODA)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On the evening of August 27, Russian troops shelled Izium, Kharkiv region, with a Tornado multiple rocket launcher system. 12 people were injured, according to the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleh Syniehubov.

"Around 10 p.m. of August 27, the Russian troops attacked the town of Izium, preliminary, with Tornado MLRS," he writes.

According to the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, the Russian attack damaged houses and a bakery.

"12 people were injured," Syniehubov adds, noting that one person was hospitalized, 4 other children - 3, 5, 8, and 16 years old - suffered an acute stress reaction, and another 13-year-old child had cuts to his limbs.

Russian shelling of Izium

The town of Izium, Kharkiv region, has been under constant Russian shelling since the beginning of the large-scale invasion of Ukraine. Since April 2, 2022, the city has been occupied by Russian invaders, but in the autumn of the same year, the Ukrainian Armed Forces regained control of Izyum.

Since then, Russia has been constantly shelling the city. In particular, in March 2024, the Russians attacked Izium with drones. The local gymnasium and houses were destroyed, and a 62-year-old security guard of the educational institution was injured.