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Russia strikes gas pipeline in Kherson with drone: Approximately 600 houses without gas supply

Russia strikes gas pipeline in Kherson with drone: Approximately 600 houses without gas supply Illustrative photo: In Kherson, Russian forces struck a gas pipeline (Getty Images)

On the afternoon of Monday, August 19, Russian forces launched a drone strike on a gas pipeline in Kherson, according to a Telegram post by Roman Mrochko, the head of the city military administration.

According to him, as a result of the strike, approximately 600 households in the Dniprovskyy district of the city were left without gas supply.

"Due to the Russian drone attack in Kherson, a gas pipeline was damaged. About 600 households in the Dniprovskyy district are temporarily without gas supply," he wrote.

Mrochko noted that as soon as the security situation allows, specialists will begin emergency repair work.

"We ask for understanding of the situation," he added.

Situation in the Kherson region

Earlier, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal stated that active preparations for the heating season are underway in the Kherson region. According to the head of the Kherson Regional State Administration, Oleksandr Prokudin, preparations for the heating season are already in progress. Specifically, cogeneration units are being installed in boiler houses to ensure the supply of electricity and heat even in emergency situations.

Yesterday, Russia shelled civilian infrastructure in the Kherson region. Due to the enemy attack, people found themselves trapped in their own homes.