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Russia shells village in Donetsk region with Smerch: Casualties and fatalities reported

Russia shells village in Donetsk region with Smerch: Casualties and fatalities reported Archive photo: Russia struck the village near Kostiantynivka with Smerch (

Russian troops today, June 20, shelled a village in the Donetsk region with cluster munitions. As a result, three people were killed, according to the Donetsk regional prosecutor's office.

Casualties and fatalities

It is reported that today, Russian forces shelled the village of Rozkishne at 12:20 p.m. with cluster munitions from the BM-30 Smerch multiple rocket launcher system. As a result, a 64-year-old woman and two men aged 30 and 42 were killed.

Russia shells village in Donetsk region with Smerch: Casualties and fatalities reported

Screenshot: Rozkishne (

In addition, four more people received blast injuries and shrapnel wounds, including a 14-year-old boy among the injured.

As a result of the shelling of the settlement, 4 households, 2 vehicles, and a gas pipeline were damaged.

Investigation has been initiated

Currently, a pre-trial investigation has been launched into criminal proceedings for violations of laws and customs of war.

Prosecutors are taking all possible and necessary measures to document war crimes committed by representatives of the Russian Armed Forces.

Shelling in Donetsk region

Russian forces regularly strike cities and villages in the Donetsk region using various types of weapons.

Last night, occupiers launched rockets and drones into Ukraine. Ukrenergo reported equipment damage at facilities in Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, and Kyiv regions as a result.