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Russia shared intelligence with Iran hours before the Israeli strike, Sky News reports

Russia shared intelligence with Iran hours before the Israeli strike, Sky News reports Photo: Russia gave Tehran intelligence before the Israeli attack (Getty Images)

Russia provided Iran with intelligence data just hours before Israel's attack on Iran on October 26, reports Sky News Arabia.

The publication's source notes that Russia informed Iran about the movements of American and Israeli troops. According to the insider, Moscow provided this information through its cooperation with Iran to reduce regional escalation.

As reported by Sky News Arabia, Iran downplayed the impact of the Israeli attack, claiming that there were only "minor consequences" at some sites. Meanwhile, Iranian media denied Israeli statements regarding strikes on 20 locations and the involvement of 100 Israeli military aircraft in the attack.

The publication adds that Iran's statements confirm that the Israeli strikes targeted military bases in the provinces of Ilam, Khuzestan, and Tehran.

Israel's attack

On Saturday, October 26, Israel launched a dawn attack on Iran. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stated that this was in response to a missile attack by Tehran in early October, during which Iran fired nearly 200 ballistic missiles at Israel.

Reports of explosions in Tehran and other cities surfaced online.

The IDF declared that it only targeted military sites in Iran, including air defense batteries and facilities producing ballistic missiles. Israel emphasized that dozens of military aircraft participated in the operation.

The Pentagon stated that it supports Israel's right to self-defense but emphasized that the US will not allow the conflict to escalate in the region.