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Russia sends stolen Ukrainian corn to Lebanon: Kyiv contacts Beirut

Russia sends stolen Ukrainian corn to Lebanon: Kyiv contacts Beirut Russia sent stolen Ukrainian corn to Lebanon (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Ukraine has appealed to Lebanon to prevent a Syrian state-owned cargo ship, which was reportedly carrying potentially stolen Ukrainian grain, from docking at the Lebanese port of Tripoli, according to Reuters.

The Embassy of Ukraine has called on the Lebanese authorities to prevent the entry of the cargo ship Finikia into their ports. The ship, flying the Syrian flag, is currently en route from Sevastopol to the Lebanese port of Tripoli. It is currently sailing along the coast of Türkiye near the Greek island of Rhodes.

As revealed by the agency, Kyiv has warned Beirut that the Finikia is carrying 6000 tons of corn "stolen from storage units in the Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv, and Kherson regions."

The Ukrainian side considers this a violation of international law. The Lebanese authorities have not yet commented on the incident.

Russia illegally exports Ukrainian grain from the occupied territories

Russian forces and associated entities have been stealing agricultural products from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Just last year, Russia exported dozens of vessels with grain from the occupied regions of Ukraine, using the proceeds from the sales to finance the war.

While investigating these crimes, the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) uncovered two "ministers" in occupied Crimea who assist in the theft of Ukrainian grain from the temporarily occupied southern regions of Ukraine.