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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of September 30: +1,250 troops, 38 drones, and 27 artillery systems

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of September 30: +1,250 troops, 38 drones, and 27 artillery systems Photo: The number of Russians killed in the war has reached a new mark (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Over the last day, from September 29 to 30, Russia lost 1,250 soldiers, 27 artillery systems, and 53 vehicles at the front, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total combat Russian losses from February 24, 2022, to September 30, 2024, are estimated to be:

  • personnel - about 653,060 (+1250) people were killed;
  • tanks - 8874 (+5) units;
  • troop-carrying AFVs - 17,503 (+27) units;
  • artillery systems - 18,822 (+27) units;
  • MLRS - 1204 units;
  • anti-aircraft systems - 963 (+1) units;
  • aircraft - 369 units;
  • helicopters - 328 units;
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 16,224 (+38) units;
  • cruise missiles - 2,610 units;
  • warships/boats - 28 units;
  • submarines - 1 unit;
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 25,548 (+53) units;
  • special equipment - 3313 (+16) units.

Situation at front and Russian shelling

According to ISW, Russian invaders are putting pressure on the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Toretsk and Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region.

On the night of September 29-30, the Russian army massively attacked Ukraine with dozens of Shahed drones.

In Kyiv, Ukrainian Air Defense Forces shot down all Russian drones. No damage or casualties were reported in the capital.