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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 24: +1,160 troops and 42 artillery systems

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 24: +1,160 troops and 42 artillery systems Photo: Ukrainian military (Getty Images)

Over the past day, the Russian army lost another 1,160 soldiers in the war against Ukraine. Additionally, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed nine tanks, 21 armored combat vehicles, 42 artillery systems, and other enemy equipment, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook.

As of August 24, 2024, the total Russian combat losses are estimated as follows:

  • Personnel: approximately 606,490 (+1,160)
  • Tanks: 8,542 (+9)
  • APV (Armored personnel vehicles): 16,620 (+21)
  • Artillery systems: 17,349 (+42)
  • MLRS (Multiple launch rocket systems): 1,169 (+2)
  • Anti-aircraft warfare systems: 935 (+3)
  • Aircraft: 367 (+0)
  • Helicopters: 328 (+0)
  • UAVs operational-tactical level: 14,064 (+39)
  • Cruise missiles: 2,444 (+2)
  • Warships/boats: 28 (+0)
  • Submarines: 1 (+0)
  • Vehicles and fuel tankers: 23,383 (+54)
  • Special equipment: 2,911 (+1)

Frontline situation

According to the General Staff, the situation on the Pokrovsk direction remained tense on August 23. Russian occupiers are actively pursuing offensive actions, attempting to improve their tactical position. However, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are inflicting significant losses on the enemy in both personnel and equipment.

According to a report by the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW), in recent days, Russian occupying forces have made new advances in the Donbas region, particularly towards Pokrovsk, near Toretsk and Makiivka.