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Russia responds to 'grain deal' restoration proposal with discontent again

Russia responds to 'grain deal' restoration proposal with discontent again Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Russian dictator (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

The West plans to open SWIFT for the "subsidiary" of the Russian Agricultural Bank Rosselkhozbank. However, Russia demands the fulfillment of all "agreements," according to the press secretary of the Russian dictator, Dmitry Peskov, cited by Interfax.

"For example, now they are talking about Westerners allegedly being ready to promise to open SWIFT for the subsidiary of Rosselkhozbank. But the point is that the agreement stipulates that SWIFT should be opened for Rosselkhozbank, not the subsidiary," Peskov stated.

The dictator's press secretary added that Russia demands a return "to basics, to the original agreements." Specifically, the Kremlin will only be ready to return to the "grain deal" after the fulfillment of all the so-called "agreements."

"The President (dictator - Ed.) clearly stated that when they were fulfilled, the agreement would be immediately restored, not the other way around. Since there have been many promises already, we consider ourselves entitled and obliged to wait for this execution first and then restore this agreement," Peskov explained.

What led to this

Earlier, the German newspaper Bild revealed the contents of a letter from the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to Russia's terrorist Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov regarding the "grain deal."

Supposedly, the UN Secretary-General proposed reconnecting the Russian state bank to SWIFT and assisting in unfreezing Russia's assets in European countries.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, such actions would signify a victory for Russia.