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Russia officially legitimizes partnership with North Korea, including military support

Russia officially legitimizes partnership with North Korea, including military support Illustrative photo: Russia has ratified its partnership with the DPRK (Getty Images)

The Russian State Duma ratified the “comprehensive strategic partnership” agreement with the DPRK. It provides for military support, according to the lower house of the State Duma.

The text of the document states that Russia and North Korea undertake to provide each other with military assistance if one of the countries “suffers an armed attack by a state or several states and thus finds itself in a state of war.”

The treaty also says that both sides “support each other's peaceful policy” and “cooperate to jointly confront challenges and threats.”

Russia and North Korea also agreed to expand cooperation in science and technology, particularly in the areas of space and nuclear energy, trade, economy, and investment. The agreement is valid indefinitely.

One of the clauses of the agreement provides for the parties to help each other circumvent sanctions.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the agreement signed by Russian leader Vladimir Putin and DPRK leader Kim Jong Un contained a secret clause. It allows for the dispatch of North Korean military personnel to the war against Ukraine to allegedly train to learn firsthand how to wage war.

DPRK soldiers may be sent to the Kursk region

The DPRK has sent thousands of its military to Russia. According to intelligence, the number is about 11 thousand soldiers.

According to the head of Ukraine's Defense Intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, the North Korean military may be sent to the Kursk region. In exchange for people and missiles, the DPRK could ask Russia for technology for tactical nuclear weapons.

The Financial Times reports Putin hopes that North Korean soldiers will help to recapture a part of the Kursk region controlled by Ukraine.