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DPRK asks Russia nuclear technology for missiles and personnel, Ukraine's chief spy says

DPRK asks Russia nuclear technology for missiles and personnel, Ukraine's chief spy says Photo: Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach/RBC-Ukraine)

North Korea has sent missiles and personnel to Russia for the war against Ukraine. In exchange, it has requested tactical nuclear weapons technology from Moscow, says the Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, in a comment to the Economist.

The media reports that North Korea is not providing Russia with its people or weapons out of charity. The expanded cooperation is the result of a mutual assistance agreement signed by Russian president Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang in June 2024.

Budanov describes the secret terms of the deal as quid pro quo: Russian money and know-how in exchange for North Korean personnel and missiles.

According to him, Russia is helping North Korea bypass sanctions and strengthen its nuclear capabilities. The chief of intelligence believes that Russia is transferring some technologies for low-yield tactical nuclear weapons and submarine missile-launch systems to North Korea.

North Korea sends soldiers to Russia

It is officially known that North Korea has sent military personnel to Russia to participate in the war against Ukraine. According to intelligence reports, this includes not only infantry but also other military branches.

Ukrainian special services reported that North Korean soldiers are training on four military training grounds in Russia. Videos have surfaced online confirming the presence of North Korean troops in Russia.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that North Korea may be preparing two brigades of 6,000 soldiers each. According to Kyrylo Budanov, the first North Korean soldiers could be sent to the Kursk region as early as November 23.