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Russia may start production of new kamikaze drone - Defense Express

Russia may start production of new kamikaze drone - Defense Express Photo: Russia may start producing a copy of Iran's Qasef drone (flickr by Kubu Raya Pos)
Author: Daryna Vialko

In Russia, the Signal Plant has patented a drone that is externally identical to the Iranian kamikaze drone Qasef, according to Defense Express.

According to the agency, it is most likely referring to Signal Plant, which is located in Ulyanovsk on the Volga River.

As early as the beginning of 2024, it became known that the enterprise wanted to start its own drone production involving schoolchildren and students. The type of drone remained unknown.

According to Defense Express, drones may be produced at Signal Plant partly because of its proximity to the river, which can be used for delivering parts.

Journalists report that the Qasef drone, an analog of which is to be produced in Russia, has the following characteristics:

  • Takeoff weight: 85 kilograms
  • Warhead: 30 kilograms
  • Fuselage length: 2.88 meters
  • Wingspan: 3.25 meters
  • Range: up to 100 kilometers

The Defense Express notes that the Qasef is an improved version of the Russian Lancet kamikaze drone. In particular, it is better in terms of range and warhead power.

The agency points out that such a drone has previously been spotted with Yemeni Houthis, who are actively supported by Iran.

Shahed drones in Russia

It should be noted that Russia has long been using Iranian kamikaze drones known as Shahed. They are launched almost daily over Ukrainian territory.

This allows the Russians to deplete Ukrainian air defense and attempt to attack energy infrastructure.

Production of such drones has already been established in Russia. According to The Wall Street Journal, a Russian factory in Alabuga intends to produce 6,000 Shaheds annually.