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Russia may respond to Ukraine's long-range strike approval with diversions – Bloomberg

Russia may respond to Ukraine's long-range strike approval with diversions – Bloomberg Photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russian President Vladimir Putin may react to the permission of Ukraine's partners to launch long-range strikes against Russia with potential diversions by the Kremlin, according to Bloomberg.

As reported by Bloomberg's anonymous sources, threats from the Kremlin to NATO countries regarding the possible use of Western-made missiles to strike military targets in Russia are likely to take the form of increased sabotage, cyberattacks and other hybrid attacks, US and European officials said.

Another anonymous source noted that Russia might also respond with direct or indirect attacks on American forces in other regions, such as the Middle East.

Ukraine's strikes deep into Russia

Despite Ukraine receiving long-range missiles from Britain, the US, and France for some time, the use of this weaponry to strike Russian territory remains prohibited.

White House Press Secretary John Kirby stated that the US is currently engaged in closed-door negotiations with Ukraine on this matter.

Today, US President Joe Biden is expected to meet with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer. There is a possibility that the leaders will discuss the potential authorization for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to conduct strikes on Russian territory.