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Russia launches three guided bombs on Kharkiv region: Casualties and damage reported

Russia launches three guided bombs on Kharkiv region: Casualties and damage reported Illustrative photo: Russia launched guided bombs on the village of Tsyrkuny on June 28 (Getty Images)

The Russian Federation launched at least three airstrikes on the village of Tsyrkuny in the Kharkiv region on Friday, June 28, causing casualties and destruction, according to Oleh Syniehubov, the head of Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, on Telegram.

According to him, the airstrike occurred around 05:00 p.m. The enemy dropped at least three guided aerial bombs on the populated area.

As a result, damage to civilian infrastructure was recorded - fires in two houses and outbuildings. Another 10 houses were damaged. Two more hits occurred on the premises of an enterprise.

As of 05:35, at least 8 casualties are known. All relevant services are working at the scene.

Situation in Kharkiv and the region

After Russia began a renewed offensive in the northern part of the Kharkiv region, settlements in the region are being subjected to constant shelling and air strikes.

In particular, yesterday Russian forces carried out an airstrike on the Kyivskyi district of Kharkiv. According to the prosecutor's office, Russia attacked the city for the first time using FAB-500 bombs with a planning and correction module.