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Russia fired over 800 KABs and nearly 300 Shaheds in Ukraine this week: Zelenskyy

Russia fired over 800 KABs and nearly 300 Shaheds in Ukraine this week: Zelenskyy Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Russia launched over 800 KAB missiles, nearly 300 Shahed drones, and more than 60 rockets at Ukraine in just one week, according to a Telegram post from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"In just one week, Russia has used over 800 guided aerial bombs, nearly 300 Shahed drones, and more than 60 rockets against our people," he said.

According to him, terrorism can only be effectively countered by striking Russian military airfields, their bases, and the logistics of Russian terror.

"Every day we work towards stronger solutions to support our defense, including the necessary long-range solutions. I discussed this with partners at the Ramstein meeting. I thank all the countries that have supported us with relevant aid packages," the president added.

Ramstein meeting

On September 6, the 24th meeting of the Contact Group on Defense Support for Ukraine in the Ramstein format took place at an American airbase in Germany, for the first time with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in attendance.

At the meeting, allies made several important announcements and promised new weapons supplies. Specifically, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated that the US and Ukraine are working on replacing the S-300 air defense systems. This also applies to the R-27 missiles.