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Russia distributes separatist guidelines to Syrian rebels

Russia distributes separatist guidelines to Syrian rebels Illustrative photo: Syria's military attempted an uprising (Getty Images)

Russia has begun distributing separatist guidelines to rebels in Syria about protecting the Russian population, according to sources within Ukraine's Defense Intelligence.

According to the sources, after Russia failed to capture the territory of the Syrian coast in the ports of Tartus and Latakia with the help of Bashar al-Assad's supporters, it began to spread the Donbas scenario methodology.

In particular, one of the leaders of pro-Russian rebels sharply criticized the new Syrian government.

“If they (the new Syrian government - ed.) come, they will kill us. If we stand firm, we will drive them out. The Russians have given us 24 hours to resist them. By tomorrow evening, international approval will come, and the Kremlin will assist us from the air and from the ground,” he claimed.

On March 8, Russia sent its guidelines to Syrian rebels, advising them to appeal to Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Syrians were recommended to sign the appeal in the status of a bipatride (a person with dual citizenship - ed.) - a citizen of Syria and Russia.

According to sources, the Russians want the Syrian rebels to call on Russia to immediately intervene because of the alleged genocide of the Alawite population (a minority loyal to Assad).

“We hope that Russia, a nation always advocating for justice and peace, will take decisive steps to prevent further tragedies,” an example of such an appeal reads.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is expected to welcome such requests, as its mandate includes the protection of Russian citizens.

An attempted uprising

On March 6, pro-Russian supporters of Bashar al-Assad attempted to organize an uprising against Syria's new government but they did not succeed.

Moscow had hoped to exploit the uprising as a pretext for maintaining its military bases in Syria under the guise of peacekeeping. Russia uses such military bases to influence and develop local gas fields.

It is significant for Russia to prevent the development of Syria's cheap natural gas, as it could lead to a collapse in gas prices, undermining Russia's economic capabilities, particularly its ability to fund the ongoing war in Ukraine.