ua en ru

Russia detained American soldier

Russia detained American soldier An American soldier has been detained in Russia (photo: Getty Images)

Over the past weekend, Russia detained a US soldier who arrived in Russia from South Korea on personal matters, reports NBC News.

According to NBC News, he is allegedly suspected of theft. Sources in the State Department indicate that the serviceman is a senior sergeant. He is in a temporary detention facility. Russia has informed the American side about what happened. The US Embassy in Russia is seeking consular access to its citizens, the channel notes.

The man served as part of the US contingent in South Korea and came to Russia on his own. US Department of Defense spokeswoman Cynthia O. Smith clarified that the soldier was detained in Vladivostok on charges of committing a crime.

"The Russian Federation notified the U.S. Department of State of the criminal detention in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. The Army notified his family and the U.S. Department of State is providing appropriate consular support to the Soldier in Russia," Smith said.

A US Army representative, in a conversation with NBC News reporters, confirmed the detention of the serviceman and clarified that the incident took place in Vladivostok. The name of the detainee and other details are currently unknown.

Arrests of Americans in Russia

In recent years, Russia has detained several US citizens, attempting to accuse them of various crimes, some of whom were released. The most well-known are the arrests of Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan.

Gershkovich is a reporter for The Wall Street Journal. He lived in Moscow for about six years, covering events in Russia and Ukraine, but was detained by Russian FSB officers and arrested on charges of espionage, which the journalist himself, as well as the US government, vehemently deny.

In turn, Whelan is a veteran of the US Marine Corps. He was placed in prison in Russia on the same charges of espionage. He completely denies the accusations made by the Russian authorities.

At the end of 2023, it was reported that Russia rejected a US proposal for the release of American citizens Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan.