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Russia announced provocation with bioweapons by Ukraine, birds involved

Russia announced provocation with bioweapons by Ukraine, birds involved Photo: Russia announced a provocation with biological weapons (Getty Images)

Chief of the Directorate of the Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Defense Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Igor Kirillov, accused the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) and the National Police of Ukraine of so-called preparation for conducting provocations with biological weapons, according to Russian mass media.

According to Kirillov, the scenario of such a provocation against Russia was allegedly worked out at a training in August and September in Lviv.

The design supposedly includes the appearance of an infectious disease of the bird flu virus in the Mykolayiv region, which will be blamed on Russia.

In addition, the Russian Federation fantasized that the provocation was being prepared with the support of Great Britain. Philippa Lentzos, a member of the British Biosafety Committee, allegedly moderated the event. SSU employees and Ukrainian officials took part in it.

Fictions of Russians

Accusing Ukraine of certain provocations is the usual style of the Russian Federation.

For example, last year Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced alleged nuclear threats from Ukraine. He called his Western colleagues and warned about the preparation of a dirty bomb provocation.

Within an hour, Russian media carried news of Shoigu's calls with speculation that Ukraine was allegedly preparing to detonate such a bomb to accuse Moscow of using weapons of mass destruction and turn the world against it.