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Russia complains about massive drone attack on Kursk and surrounding region

Russia complains about massive drone attack on Kursk and surrounding region Illustrative photo: Russian Emergencies Ministry (Getty Images)

Russians reported a massive drone attack on Kursk and the surrounding region on the evening of July 24, according to Russian Telegram channels.

According to reports online, loud explosions are heard in Kursk.

The Acting Governor of the Kursk region, Alexey Smirnov, claimed that the air defense has supposedly shot down 12 drones over Kursk.

Drone attacks in Russia

On July 22, drones attacked the Russian city of Akhtubinsk in the Astrakhan region. Among other things, a strike was recorded on the premises of a military unit.

On the same day, around five explosions were reported at a local oil depot in the Russian city of Tuapse.

Additionally, on July 23, the Ukrainian Defense Forces caused significant damage to the Russian ferry Slavyanin in the port of Kavkaz, in the Krasnodar Krai.

Furthermore, yesterday there were reports of a possible drone attack on Sevastopol, Kerch, and Dzhankoy, with explosions heard in those areas.