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Russia accuses Ukraine of 'staging attack on children' - Expert

Russia accuses Ukraine of 'staging attack on children' - Expert Illustrative photo (Freepik)

Russian propaganda is actively spreading disinformation about Ukraine allegedly "staging a Russian missile strike on a children's facility in territory controlled by Kyiv," supposedly at the behest of the United States, citing the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD).

Russian disinformation

As noted by the CCD, Russian disinformation has no basis in reality and could indicate that terrorists are preparing further strikes on civilian targets. The enemy seeks to sow panic among Ukrainians and incite division and distrust within society.

Nevertheless, Russia continues to label its war crimes as "provocations and staged events," including the mass killing of civilians in Bucha and other temporarily occupied cities, as well as missile strikes like the one on the children's hospital Okhmatdyt.

All launches are tracked

In an interview with RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel, aviation expert Kostiantyn Kryvolap said that all missile launches and flights are always tracked. Although they may momentarily disappear from surveillance systems, such events are impossible to fully conceal or carry out under a false flag.

"Data is showing that they have not used false flag operations yet. They cynically strike under their flag, with their labels on Shaheds, missiles, and other means. They don’t even need to cover their tracks. They are confident that no one in the world can stop them. That’s why they act the way they do," the expert added.