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Russia accelerates advance toward Pokrovsk, but pace may slow down - British intelligence

Russia accelerates advance toward Pokrovsk, but pace may slow down - British intelligence Russia has accelerated its advance toward Pokrovsk (photo: Getty Images)

Over the past week, the Russian forces have accelerated their advance toward the town of Pokrovsk. However, they may soon slow down, according to the British Defense Ministry.

Britain's Ministry of Defense's Intelligence Agency has reported that Russian ground forces have accelerated their advance toward the city of Pokrovsk in eastern Ukraine over the past seven days.

“Russian ground forces are highly likely within ten kilometers from the edge of the city. The rate of advance is likely to slow as Russian ground forces enter Pokrovsk’s built-up areas,” the intelligence statement said.

Britain emphasized that Pokrovsk is a key logistics center for the Donetsk region, and if captured, it is likely to lengthen and reroute existing Ukrainian supply lines.

“The operational tempo of military activity has remained low on all other frontlines in eastern and southern Ukraine with no major significant changes in territorial control,” the intelligence added.

The Pokrovsk direction is currently the most difficult frontline situation. The Armed Forces have been repelling enemy assaults for several weeks. And the Russians keep trying to capture the city.

Today it became known that the Russian forces have advanced again in the Donetsk region. In particular, north of Chasiv Yar, southeast of Pokrovsk, and west of Donetsk.