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Retrograde Venus: Who will thrive and how to stay afloat

Retrograde Venus: Who will thrive and how to stay afloat When Venus goes retrograde (illustrative photo:

The retrograde Venus period is beginning, often seen as a challenging and even risky time. However, things may not be as bad as they seem.

Exclusively for RBC-Ukraine, astrologer Kateryna Solovyova shared important advice and explained what should be avoided during this retrograde Venus phase.

"On March 2, 2025, Venus will begin its retrograde motion. Until April 13 inclusive, observers on Earth will perceive that the planet of harmony, beauty, finance, creativity, art, mastery, talent, and partnership is moving in the opposite direction," an astrologer said.

"This phenomenon occurs regularly, approximately once every one and a half years. There is nothing unusual about it. The key is to understand what to do and when during this period to make the most of this time for yourself," she added.

This is especially relevant for those whose individual horoscope includes astrological elements:

  • Between 1 and 11 degrees of Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Cancer, and Capricorn.
  • Between 25 and 30 degrees of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini, and Sagittarius.

Venus will also influence people born during the following periods:

  • March 14 – 31
  • May 14 – June 1
  • June 14 – July 2
  • June 16 – August 3
  • September 16 – October 3
  • November 16 – December 2
  • December 15 – January 1
  • January 14 – 30.

"Regardless of a person’s birth date, it is essential to check which area of their horoscope transit Venus will be in during its retrograde period. That is where reassessment, corrections, and deeper work on certain situations and processes will be necessary," the astrologer noted."

From March 2 to April 13, it is recommended to avoid the following activities:

  • Plastic surgery and serious cosmetic procedures
  • Signing important contracts and obtaining loans
  • Starting a new business or launching new financial projects
  • Registering a marriage
  • Ending any relationships
  • Refreshing your image or redesigning your apartment
  • Purchasing expensive clothing, jewelry, or art
  • Starting new relationships or taking existing ones to the next level.

Interestingly, Solovyova noted that during this period, it is not recommended to buy a new wallet, as there is a likelihood that money will not stay in it.

During Venus retrograde:

  • Analyze your relationships (romantic, business, friendly) to elevate them to a new level
  • Address past relationships if they resurface and release any accumulated resentment
  • Conduct a wardrobe and accessory audit
  • Organize your wallet
  • Engage in creative activities.

The astrologer believes that this period is a great time to buy items on sale, during promotions, or discounted, as well as antiques. Additionally, it’s important to remember that these recommendations apply not only to the retrograde phase but also to the so-called "shadow" period, which lasts one week before and one week after the start and end of the planet's retrograde motion.

"Of course, depending on each person's individual horoscope, their life scenarios will unfold differently. However, the key lesson of retrograde Venus for all of us is to learn to accept and love ourselves selflessly," Solovyova emphasized.

"The second planet of the solar system is also responsible for relationships and finances. The more balanced a person’s relationship with themselves, the more stable their financial situation will be. Of course, one must value those around them, but you can only share what you have within yourself. Therefore, share your inner harmony, and the world will surely respond with reciprocity," she concluded.

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