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Reason for high Russian soldiers' mortality in Ukraine - British intelligence reveals

Reason for high Russian soldiers' mortality in Ukraine - British intelligence reveals Photo: Russian soldiers are sent directly to the crematorium (Getty Images)

High mortality rates among wounded Russian military personnel in Ukraine are attributed to inadequate medical assistance, according to the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom.

The summary highlights a crisis in Russia's military medical support, with an average of approximately 400 individuals injured daily over 17 months.

According to British intelligence, the influx of military personnel likely disrupted the standard provision of certain Russian civilian medical services, particularly in border regions near Ukraine. Many specialized military hospitals are probably reserved for injured officers.

According to the head of the combat medicine training department of the Kalashnikov battalion, up to 50% of deaths during combat operations in Russia could have been prevented with proper first aid.

"The slow evacuation of the wounded combined with the improper use of crude Russian tourniquets is the main cause of preventable deaths and amputations," stated the Ministry of Defence of Britain.

Russian losses

According to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion, approximately 234,480 Russin personnel have already been lost. In the past 24 hours alone, 440 Russian soldiers have been eliminated.

On July 7, the United States announced another military aid package worth over $800 million for Ukraine, including cluster munitions and other weaponry.

As U.S. President Joe Biden mentioned, the cluster munitions will enable the Ukrainian Armed Forces to continue their counteroffensive.

Earlier, the Pentagon stated that cluster munitions could be effectively utilized by Ukrainian corps against Russian forces entrenched in trenches.