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Quick and easy caramel crème brulee recipe

Quick and easy caramel crème brulee recipe Quick and easy caramel crème brulee recipe (screenshot / VARGASAVOUR RECIPES)
Author: Maria Kholina

Crème brûlée is a delicate creamy dessert with a crispy crust and caramel topping is usually made in ceramic or porcelain molds. It is quite simple to make - a milk custard is mixed with other ingredients and baked until golden brown, according to the YouTube channel VARGASAVOUR RECIPES.

Here's what you'll need to make crème brûlée:

  • Sugar - 245g
  • Water - 40ml
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Eggs - 5
  • Milk - 320ml
  • Flour - 30g
  • Ceramic or glass ramekins - 5
  • Large metal or glass baking dish


Start by making the caramel. In a saucepan, pour 150g of sugar, add water and lemon juice. Place over low heat and bring to a boil, gently swirling the pan to prevent burning.

Ніжний кремовий десерт: швидкий рецепт крем-брюле з карамеллю (фото)

The caramel should be golden in color (screenshot / VARGASAVOUR RECIPES)

Once the caramel turns golden brown, pour it into the baking molds.

Ніжний кремовий десерт: швидкий рецепт крем-брюле з карамеллю (фото)

Pour caramel for crème brûlée into molds (screenshot / VARGASAVOUR RECIPES)

The next step is making the custard. For this, in a bowl with 1 egg yolk separated from the egg white, beat 3 more eggs, not separating the whites and yolks. Do not discard the remaining egg white, you'll need it later.

Add 60g of sugar and beat the mixture until it forms soft peaks.

Ніжний кремовий десерт: швидкий рецепт крем-брюле з карамеллю (фото)

Eggs beaten with sugar (screenshot / VARGASAVOUR RECIPES)

Pour milk into the beaten eggs with sugar, gently and thoroughly mix, and strain the liquid through a fine sieve.

Ніжний кремовий десерт: швидкий рецепт крем-брюле з карамеллю (фото)

Strain the future cream through a sieve (screenshot / VARGASAVOUR RECIPES)

After that, carefully remove the foam and pour the custard mixture over the caramel in the molds.

Ніжний кремовий десерт: швидкий рецепт крем-брюле з карамеллю (фото)

Pour the future creme brulee on top of the caramel (screenshot / VARGASAVOUR RECIPES)

In the bowl with the remaining egg white, beat 1 egg and add 35g of sugar. Beat thoroughly with a mixer until stiff peaks form.

Ніжний кремовий десерт: швидкий рецепт крем-брюле з карамеллю (фото)

Beat thoroughly with a mixer until stiff peaks form (screenshot / VARGASAVOUR RECIPES)

Sift flour into the beaten egg whites through a sieve and very gently fold the mixture with a silicone spatula to preserve the airy texture. Then distribute it over the caramel and custard in the dishes.

Ніжний кремовий десерт: швидкий рецепт крем-брюле з карамеллю (фото)

Distribute the foam into the molds with caramel and cream (screenshot / VARGASAVOUR RECIPES)

Place the molds with the nearly finished crème brûlée in a large, preferably glass, baking dish, and pour hot water into it (the water level should be about 2 cm high).

Ніжний кремовий десерт: швидкий рецепт крем-брюле з карамеллю (фото)

Pour hot water into the baking dish with molds (screenshot / VARGASAVOUR RECIPES)

Place the dish with the desserts in a preheated oven at 160 degrees Celsius for 28 minutes. Allow the crème brûlée to cool and then refrigerate for 2 hours. Enjoy your soft dessert with a nice crispy crust!