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Queue of trucks over 20 kilometers long: RBC-Ukraine photo report from Polish border

Queue of trucks over 20 kilometers long: RBC-Ukraine photo report from Polish border Queue of trucks over 20 kilometers long: RBC-Ukraine photo report from the Polish border (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The queue at the Yahodyn-Dorogusk checkpoint, with Polish carriers protesting, stretched for more than 20 kilometers. The protesters allow one truck to pass through per hour, but they can still break this rule, informs the RBC-Ukraine's special reporter.

Usually, 150-160 trucks pass through Yahodyn-Dorogusk per day, but now this figure is only 10 to 15 units.

The queue of trucks over 20 kilometers long: RBC-Ukraine photo report from the Polish border (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

At the moment, the line of trucks stretches for 22 kilometers in front of the Polish town of Chełm and several kilometers after the settlement.

The queue of trucks over 20 kilometers long: RBC-Ukraine photo report from the Polish border (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

There are about 700-800 trucks in line, 40 per kilometer. The protesters are supposed to let one truck through per hour, but of course, they can break this rule.

Police officers have specially separated the protesters and truck drivers to avoid conflicts.

Blocking checkpoints on the border with Ukraine

On November 6, Polish carriers announced the start of a strike, which, according to them, will last until January 2024. In the first hours, three checkpoints on the border with Ukraine were blocked, namely:

  • Yagodyn-Dorogusk;
  • Krakovets-Korcheva;
  • Rava-Ruska-Hrebenne.

The "restrictions" do not apply to buses, cars and pedestrians.

The carriers put forward a number of demands, including:

  • restoration of licensing relations with Ukraine;
  • tightening of transportation rules;
  • a ban on registering companies in Poland if their finances and accounting are outside the EU;
  • access to the Ukrainian "Shlyakh" system;
  • separate queues for EU cars in the eCherha system;
  • allocation of separate queues for empty cars.

In particular, on November 17, representatives of the carriers threatened to block the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint. As of November 20, there was no official confirmation of the blockade.

Since the beginning of the blockade, two Ukrainian drivers have died on the border of Ukraine and Poland.