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Putin plans to visit Turkmenistan: What Ukraine has to say about it

Putin plans to visit Turkmenistan: What Ukraine has to say about it Photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin (Getty Images)

Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to visit Turkmenistan in the coming days. Ukraine has reminded that Putin is a war criminal, with an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the country hopes that Turkmenistan’s leadership recognizes that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal, with an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court for the illegal forced transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia.

The ministry also reminded that this is just one of many crimes committed by the Kremlin leadership. In particular, Putin and his accomplices are responsible for the crime of aggression against Ukraine and war crimes.

"Right now, the Russian occupiers continue to carry out daily barbaric attacks on Ukrainian cities and villages, causing the destruction of civilian infrastructure and the death of civilians," the statement said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged all countries that value human life, international law, and the UN Charter to refrain from holding joint events involving Putin, who has unleashed a war in Europe on a scale unseen since World War II, and whose hands are stained with blood.

Special tribunal for Russia

In January last year, the European Parliament supported a resolution calling for the creation of an international tribunal to address crimes of aggression committed by Russia and Belarus against Ukraine. It was later revealed that the international special tribunal for Russia could begin functioning as early as 2024.

Former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba mentioned that 44 countries have expressed support for the idea of creating a special tribunal for Russia.