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Putin is afraid of Ukraine's accession to NATO

Putin is afraid of Ukraine's accession to NATO Vladimir Putin, Russian dictator (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin once again came up with potential "threats" to Russia in case of Ukraine's accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, said the Kremlin leader according to Russian media TASS.

"In regards to Ukraine's membership in NATO, we have repeatedly said that it obviously poses threats to Russia's security. And, indeed, one of the reasons for the 'special military operation' is the threat of Ukraine joining NATO," said the dictator.

However, Putin began contradicting himself by adding that every country has the right to ensure its own security.

"Of course, any country has the right to choose the means to achieve this goal that it considers most appropriate. There is only one limitation, which is that while ensuring security for one country, threats should not be created for another country," Putin added.

Ukraine's NATO membership

Ukraine seeks to join NATO as it considers this step the best for ensuring its own security. Specifically, joining NATO implies that an attack on our country would be regarded as an attack on the entire Alliance.

This is necessary to deter Russia from further aggression after the war is over.

On July 12, the NATO Summit in Vilnius concluded, during which the allies decided to approve Ukraine's membership without the fulfillment of the action plan.