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Promising start. Zelenskyy's spokesperson reveals how US perceived Ukraine's victory plan

Promising start. Zelenskyy's spokesperson reveals how US perceived Ukraine's victory plan Press Secretary of the President of Ukraine Serhii Nykyforov (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

This week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the United States and presented a plan for Ukraine's victory. He was received constructively and with great interest in the United States, says the Press Secretary of the President of Ukraine Serhii Nykyforov.

"They received it constructively and with great interest," the spokesperson said.

He noted that in parallel with this whole process, the authoritative Western media were choosing different epithets to describe the plan. In particular: "accepted with lukewarmness", "accepted without enthusiasm" or "accepted with skepticism". However, according to Nykyforov, this is not true. Ukraine's victory plan was received with great interest and constructiveness, and it was put to work.

“Biden said that on October 12, he would return to Ramstein with some decisions and answers. So, let's just say that the start is promising," the press secretary of the President of Ukraine emphasized.

In the same interview, Serhii Nykyfirov said that Volodymyr Zelenskyy had discussed the authorization to strike deep into Russia with all partners. However, the Russians will be the first to notice the permission to strike deep into Russia, and only then will an official announcement be made.