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Expanding nuclear energy will quickly solve Ukraine's power generation problem - US Special Representative

Expanding nuclear energy will quickly solve Ukraine's power generation problem - US Special Representative Photo: Penny Pritzker, US Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukraine needs to expand its nuclear energy capacity to quickly solve the power generation problem caused by Russian attacks, according to US Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker during her visit to Kyiv.

She reminded that nuclear energy currently accounts for 50% of Ukraine's total energy capacity.

According to Pritzker, the US and other partners are currently making every effort to help Ukraine address the shortage of power generation caused by the attacks.

"It's up to the Ukrainian government to determine the long term, how it wants to generate its power. But in the short run, getting nuclear power back-up makes perfect sense, in addition to all the other efforts that are going on by all of our allies," said Pritzker.


Since early March, Russia has intensified attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure. Due to these attacks, the country's power generation capacity significantly decreased, leading to a deficit in the energy system.

In response, energy companies implemented power outage schedules. However, the situation has recently improved due to the return of two nuclear power plant units from scheduled maintenance.

It is worth noting that last year, Energoatom signed an agreement with an American company to construct up to 20 nuclear power units in Ukraine.