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Presidential Office calls for permission to destroy Iranian-supplied missile depots in Russia

Presidential Office calls for permission to destroy Iranian-supplied missile depots in Russia The head of the Presidential Office, Andriy Yermak (Photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

Partners must allow Ukraine to destroy missile depots in Russia. The missiles may have been supplied by Iran to the Russian army, according to the head of the Presidential Office, Andriy Yermak.

Yermak emphasized that a country that supplies weapons to terrorist organizations and terrorist states must be punished. He urged allies to allow Ukraine to use the weapons provided to destroy missile depots in Russia.

"In response to the supply of ballistic missiles to Russia, permission must be granted for Ukraine to destroy these missile depots with Western weapons to prevent terror," Yermak stressed.

The head of the Presidential Office believes that democracies must respond to the terror of autocracies. He added that strikes against Russian occupiers are a defense of Ukraine, and defense is not an escalation of war.

Iran could transfer missiles to Russia

According to The Wall Street Journal, Russia received short-range ballistic missiles from Iran.

Ukraine has called on Iran to stop supporting the Russian army and warned that if the transfer of missiles is confirmed, there will be "devastating consequences" for bilateral relations.

Iran denied the transfer of missiles at the UN. However, shortly after, Iranian MP Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani confirmed in an interview that Tehran had indeed transferred missiles to Russia. He noted that this was part of a barter deal, with the other part involving the supply of drones.