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Presidential candidates in Moldova to take state language proficiency test for first time

Presidential candidates in Moldova to take state language proficiency test for first time Flag and parliament building of Moldova (photo: Getty Images)

Candidates for the presidency of Moldova will for the first time be required to take a test on their knowledge of the state language. The elections are scheduled for October 20, according to Point.

Under a new regulation approved by the Central Election Commission (CEC), Moldovan presidential candidates will now be required to demonstrate their knowledge of the state language. The language proficiency will be assessed by a commission during the submission of registration documents for initiative groups.

According to Point, each candidate will need to personally complete a declaration and answer questions from the commission members to showcase their language skills.

As per Article 18 of the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Moldova, candidates must demonstrate the following levels of proficiency in the state language:

  • adequate understanding of general and official information;
  • ability to discuss and respond to questions about everyday life;
  • skill in reading and understanding public texts, laws, and regulations;
  • ability to write an essay on a topic related to daily life.

Additionally, it was reported that on July 31, searches were conducted in the Moldovan Parliament as part of an investigation into state treason and espionage for Russia. Following the searches, two individuals were detained.

Earlier, it was reported that the US, UK, and Canada had warned that Russia might attempt to influence the presidential elections in Moldova.