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President Zelenskyy wants to see White House's secret strategy for war in Ukraine

President Zelenskyy wants to see White House's secret strategy for war in Ukraine Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, during a briefing with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Kyiv, stated that he has not seen the White House strategy on the war in Ukraine submitted to the US Congress but would like to be familiar with it.

"Regarding President Biden's strategy, of course, I haven’t seen it. And if he shares it, I would be happy to," he said.

US strategy

Last week, President Joe Biden's administration submitted a secret report on its strategy for the war in Ukraine to Congress. The report reached lawmakers on September 9.

After several months of delays, the Republican-led House of Representatives passed a $95 billion spending bill in April, which included $61 billion in funding for Ukraine, as well as billions for Israel, civilians in conflict zones worldwide, and for "countering Communist China" in the Indo-Pacific region.

As part of this law, Congress tasked the Biden administration with providing a detailed strategy for Ukraine by early June.

Over the two and a half years since Russia's full-scale invasion, Congress has approved nearly $175 billion in aid and military assistance for Ukraine and allied countries.

Additionally, President Zelenskyy is traveling to the U. to present a victory plan to President Joe Biden. The document outlines urgent decisions from allies between October and December.