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President Zelenskyy announces new security agreements for Ukraine

President Zelenskyy announces new security agreements for Ukraine Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine is preparing four new security guarantee agreements with partner countries.

"Our team is preparing four new security agreements for Ukraine. In the near future, we will begin negotiations, and we need to prepare the documents for signing quite quickly. This means defense support for us, as well as finances and humanitarian cooperation," Zelenskyy said.

According to him, Ukraine will have almost 30 security agreements with partners after signing these documents.

"And we have set ourselves the task of involving different countries - not just NATO countries. But all are equally ready to help us defend our shared values. And this will happen. Whatever happens in the world, we need our own tools to support our people, to support our state, and our own security agreements that will work under any conditions. This is exactly how we are moving forward," the president emphasized.

Security agreements

Ukraine has already signed 26 bilateral security agreements with the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Latvia, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Japan, the USA, the EU, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Luxembourg, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Luxembourg.

In particular, on July 18, Ukraine signed security agreements with Czechia and Slovenia. The signing of the documents took place in the British town of Woodstock.