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President of Georgia allows for possibility of her arrest after elections

President of Georgia allows for possibility of her arrest after elections Photo: Salome Zurabishvili, President of Georgia (Getty Images)

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili believes that she could be arrested. This scenario is likely if the pro-Russian party Georgian Dream wins the parliamentary elections, Zurabishvili's statement was cited by the Georgian television channel Mtavari.

The President of Georgia was asked to predict what would happen if Georgian Dream wins the upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for October 26.

"If that happens, I will likely be impeached and sent to prison," Zurabishvili replied.

Impeachment of Zurabishvili

Georgian Dream currently holds a majority in the Georgian parliament. The Prime Minister is the controversial pro-Russian politician Irakli Kobakhidze.

Last year, there were already attempts to initiate impeachment proceedings against Zurabishvili because she traveled abroad to Europe without the government's permission, as stipulated in the constitution.

The Constitutional Court of Georgia allowed the impeachment process to begin. However, there were not enough votes in parliament to proceed with such a step. At least 100 deputies were needed to support the initiative, but only 86 votes were cast.

Recently, the Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili, assured that "impeachment of Zurabishvili will be initiated at the very first sessions of the new convocation."