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President of Finland outlines best way to achieve peace in Ukraine

President of Finland outlines best way to achieve peace in Ukraine Photo: Alexander Stubb, President of Finland (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Peace between Ukraine and Russia can be achieved by supplying weapons to Ukrainian defenders, stated the President of Finland Alexander Stubb.

The Finnish President emphasized that supplying weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces is the best way to achieve peace.

"That's the reality," he added.

Stubbs also commented on the possibility of sending long-range weapons to Ukrainian defenders. According to him, there is currently insufficient justification for such deliveries.

However, the president noted that Ukraine's position on the battlefield has improved compared to the spring, particularly due to the operation in the Kursk region.

"Ukraine has been able to create instability in Russia and undermine trust in it. This is always good from a military strategy perspective," Stubbs emphasized.


Yesterday, on August 27, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that the war between Ukraine and Russia would end with dialogue. However, for this to happen, Ukraine needs to have a strong position.

He also mentioned that Kyiv has developed a plan for Ukraine's victory, which includes an operation in the Kursk region. The Ukrainian President intends to present this plan to US President Joe Biden.

A meeting between Zelenskyy and Biden is likely to take place in September during the UN General Assembly sessions in New York.