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Possibility of transferring decommissioned Abrams tanks to Ukraine being explored in Australia - Media

Possibility of transferring decommissioned Abrams tanks to Ukraine being explored in Australia - Media Illustrative photo: Australia may transfer Abrams tanks to Ukraine (Getty Images)

Australia may transfer decommissioned American Abrams tanks to Ukraine, with the government considering the possibility of such supplies, The Sydney Morning Herald reports.

According to the media outlet, the Australian government and US authorities are developing a plan to transfer Abrams tanks to Ukraine.

Journalists noted that Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles, who had ruled out the possibility of providing Abrams tanks to Ukraine in February, has softened his stance.

The official emphasized last month that there is a whole range of possibilities being discussed with the Ukrainian government.

Unnamed sources within the Australian government told The Sydney Morning Herald that Marles is considering the possibility of supplying Abrams tanks to Ukraine, taking into account US defense export regulations.

These rumors emerged after this week’s outrage from the Ukrainian diaspora in Australia over Canberra’s refusal to donate decommissioned military equipment to Ukrainian defenders, including long-range patrol vehicles and inflatable boats, instead selling them on an online auction.

At the same time, Peter Leahy, who led the Australian Army from 2003 to 2008 and oversaw the introduction of M1A1 Abrams tanks, expressed surprise at why Australia is hesitant to provide Ukraine with Abrams tanks.

He added that although it is planned to decommission the tanks, they are very reliable and should have been well-maintained, the spare parts are available. He also suggested that the tanks should be loaded onto a ship and sent over.

Former senior defense official Michael Shoebridge emphasized that the tanks are still in good shape.

He added that the Ukrainians are fighting a war for national survival and that the tanks should be sent there as soon as possible.

What preceded

In early August, it was revealed that Australia had decommissioned Abrams tanks, which Ukraine had requested.

According to media reports, Kyiv urged Australia to provide 14 tanks and train the crews. However, the Australian authorities decided to reject the request.

All decommissioned tanks in Australia have been replaced with a newer modification of the Abrams.