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Pope's special envoy for Ukraine arrives in Moscow: Purpose of visit revealed

Pope's special envoy for Ukraine arrives in Moscow: Purpose of visit revealed Photo: Matteo Zuppi, the Pope's special envoy (Getty Images)

The Pope's special envoy for Ukraine, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, has arrived in Moscow. He plans to hold meetings with Russian officials regarding the return of Ukrainian children and the exchange of prisoners, announces Matteo Bruni, the director of the Holy See Press Office.

Bruni reminded that this is Cardinal Zuppi's second visit to Russia "as part of the mission entrusted to him by Pope Francis last year."

The special envoy is expected to hold meetings with Russian authorities aimed at facilitating the reunification of Ukrainian children with their relatives and the exchange of prisoners.

Zuppi's mission

It is worth noting that last year Pope Francis entrusted Cardinal Matteo Zuppi with a mission aimed at "easing tensions in the war in Ukraine."

As part of this mission, Zuppi visited Kyiv in June 2023, where he met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. During the meeting, they discussed Ukraine's peace formula.

In August of the previous year, Zuppi emphasized that the European Union was doing "too little" to end Russia's war against Ukraine. He stated that the bloc should support peace initiatives.